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Thursday, February 25, 2010

week 6

So far i think that this project has made read more than i usually do. I used to read alot when i was little, but now i just seem to not have enough time to read like i used to. I really enjoy this project so far becuause its made me realize that i can make time to read.

In my reading this week i've continued the book Last Days of Summer. Joey has just continued his writing with Mister Banks. and the two have had dinner a couple of times. Joey's teachers have now started to write to Mister Banks telling him to not teach him "vulgar ideas." Banks only writes back to say that these are not ideas but the truth. It's about time for Joey's Bar Mitzvah, and sense his father is not around, he convinced Charles Banks to do the father portion of it. The Rabbi has agreed to it, so now Joey is trying to teach Charlie how to read Hebrew.

Time Read So Far: 23 hours

James Patterson-Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas-266 pages

Patricia Cornwell-Book of the Dead- 405 pages