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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Done with Book One

In my book this week, Will Rambo murdered yet another woman. Marino ran away, and no one can find him, and Benton came back from New York to be with Scarpetta in Charleston. Lucy and Scarpetta became friends with the local coraner, who was secretly having a relationship with Scarpetta's secretary, Rose. When Scarpetta was going to see Rose, Drew Martins tenis coach jumped out of a window and killed himself. This somehow led Lucy and Scarpetta to be able to finally know where Will Rambo had been hiding, and getting his sand from that he used and superglued into the eyes of the people he killed. Once they figured this out, they went to the island and found 2 dead people. They found out Will Rambo was Dr. Self's son, and the boy who was murdered that Scarpetta couldnt figure out who it was, was Will Rambo and Marino's ex girlfiend, Shandy's child. They also found out that Shandy had killed "little will." When Scarpetta went and confronted Dr. Self about this she said it would somehow be Scarpettas fault, and then when Scarpetta left, Will attacked her. She was Saved by Captan Poma, from Italy who had been in town to help catch Will.

Christian Persepctive:

Well obviously we shouldnt murder. God says so all over in the Bible as well as in the 10 commandments. But we also shouldnt protect those who do commit crimes even if they are part of our family. They need to be shown that what they are doing is not something that God wants them to be doing. Dr. Self and the father of Will Rambo, Bentons co-worker, were bad examples of this. they knew that there son had killed all these people but they tried to protect him because Will was there son. God wants us to show them they are sinning, not just sit back and try to be blind to what we know is happening.

Time Read so Far: 13 hours
Patricia Cornwell- Book of the Dead- 405 pg