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Thursday, February 25, 2010

week 6

So far i think that this project has made read more than i usually do. I used to read alot when i was little, but now i just seem to not have enough time to read like i used to. I really enjoy this project so far becuause its made me realize that i can make time to read.

In my reading this week i've continued the book Last Days of Summer. Joey has just continued his writing with Mister Banks. and the two have had dinner a couple of times. Joey's teachers have now started to write to Mister Banks telling him to not teach him "vulgar ideas." Banks only writes back to say that these are not ideas but the truth. It's about time for Joey's Bar Mitzvah, and sense his father is not around, he convinced Charles Banks to do the father portion of it. The Rabbi has agreed to it, so now Joey is trying to teach Charlie how to read Hebrew.

Time Read So Far: 23 hours

James Patterson-Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas-266 pages

Patricia Cornwell-Book of the Dead- 405 pages

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Let's add some pictures!

This week i read Suzanne's diary for Nicholas by James Patterson. It was about how this guy named Matt broke up with his girlfriend Katie for no apparent reason, and then he left this dairy for her to read on the front steps of her house. Katie had met Matt when he had come to her to publish some poetry that he had written. The night that Matt had broke up with Katie she was going to tell him that she was pregnant. Once she started reading this
journal she became attached to Suzanne and her life. Katie felt horrible when Suzzane had a heart attack at a very young age in the middle of the park and almsot died, and she felt the same way Suzanne did when she met Matt. When Katie learned that Suzanne and Matt also had a baby, she began to imagine that she could have had the life that Suzanne had. She read and realized how much Matt and Suzanne had loved eachother, and when Suzanne found out from the doctor that having her child would be a risk for her life. When Suzanne decided to keep her child, so did Katie. Suzanne ended up having a boy, Nicholas. She was writing this journal to Nicholas so that he could know how his parents met, fell in love, and how he came into there lives. After Nicholas had been born, Suzanne got pregnant again. This child for sure would be a risk to Suzannes health and once her blood count started to get low, nothing good could happen. Suzannne had another heart attack, and lost that baby. After Suzanne got out of the hospital she came home. About this time it happened to be Nicholas's first birthday! Suzanne decided to drive into town to get supplies to make Nicholas a cake, and she took Nicholas with her. On the way to the store, she had another heart attack and she drove off a bridge and her and Nicholas drowned. The diary comes to a close with Matt making to final diary entries about how much he misses them and how he wishes that he would have been there. That maybe if he was there he could have saved them, and they wouldnt have died. Once Katie finished reading this diary she noticed that there was a letter taped to the back cover of the dairy from Matt saying that now she new why he broke up with her. Katie decided the least she can do is go tell Matt that she understands at that she is very very sorry for him, but when she gets to his house, hes not there. She tells his neighbor to let him know that she was there, and head back to New York. About a week later, Katies assistant becomes hysterical and says that she needs to come and look out the window. When Katie looks out the window she sees that Matt is outside, kneeling, like Suzanne did when she was asking for forgiveness. When Katie runs outside, her and Matt end up getting back together, and as far as we know, live happily ever after.

I also started to read a book called Last Days Of Summer by Steve Kluger. The book so far is about Joey, a 12 year old troubled boy growing up in the 1940's in Brooklyn. Somehow he has become to be pen pals with Franklin D. Roosevelt, and his press secretary Stephen T. Early. He gets thrown into Juvenile Hall for peeing in the reservoir, where he becomes pen pals with Charlie Banks, an all-star third-base-man for the NY Giants. So far, Joey has gotten Charlie in trouble with his girlfriend because he made up a story about how Charlie wouldnt come visit him in the hospital, because he was dieing. He also somehow conviced Charlie that he would apologize to his girlfriend if only he took him out to eat with them. Which he did. Joey and his friends also think that there neighbor is a Nazi spy and that her wooden leg in only a cover up for all sorts of weapons, so they spy on her.

Time Read So Far: 21 hours

James Patterson- Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas- 266 pages

Patricia Cornwell- Book of the Dead- 405 pages

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Done with Book One

In my book this week, Will Rambo murdered yet another woman. Marino ran away, and no one can find him, and Benton came back from New York to be with Scarpetta in Charleston. Lucy and Scarpetta became friends with the local coraner, who was secretly having a relationship with Scarpetta's secretary, Rose. When Scarpetta was going to see Rose, Drew Martins tenis coach jumped out of a window and killed himself. This somehow led Lucy and Scarpetta to be able to finally know where Will Rambo had been hiding, and getting his sand from that he used and superglued into the eyes of the people he killed. Once they figured this out, they went to the island and found 2 dead people. They found out Will Rambo was Dr. Self's son, and the boy who was murdered that Scarpetta couldnt figure out who it was, was Will Rambo and Marino's ex girlfiend, Shandy's child. They also found out that Shandy had killed "little will." When Scarpetta went and confronted Dr. Self about this she said it would somehow be Scarpettas fault, and then when Scarpetta left, Will attacked her. She was Saved by Captan Poma, from Italy who had been in town to help catch Will.

Christian Persepctive:

Well obviously we shouldnt murder. God says so all over in the Bible as well as in the 10 commandments. But we also shouldnt protect those who do commit crimes even if they are part of our family. They need to be shown that what they are doing is not something that God wants them to be doing. Dr. Self and the father of Will Rambo, Bentons co-worker, were bad examples of this. they knew that there son had killed all these people but they tried to protect him because Will was there son. God wants us to show them they are sinning, not just sit back and try to be blind to what we know is happening.

Time Read so Far: 13 hours
Patricia Cornwell- Book of the Dead- 405 pg

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Sorry this is late a day!

First off sorry i'm late a day, i had a HUGE anatomy test that i studied for all night and completely forgot about blogging!

This week i continued the book of the dead. Will Rambo, the killer, killed another woman in this part of the book, a Canadian tourist. Dr. Self had to listen to her mother saying things while taking a brain test, and see how her brain reacted to the sound of her mothers voice. I also learned that Rose, Dr. Scarpettas assistant is dieing of lung cancer.

Time Read So Far: 10 hours