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Thursday, April 8, 2010

Spring Break

This week i finished reading Brisinger. They had a big battle, and eragon and saphira dominated, but there teachers were killed in battle, so now Eragon and Saphira are the only dragons fighting for the Varden anymore. before they died though, the dragon teacher gave Saphira his heart of hearts, which gives you strenghth and keeps the dragon alive after it dies. This is how Galborax gets all his power. So now, i have to wait till the 4th book to see how it all ends.

I started to read White oleander by Janet Fitch. So far, the auther has just introduced the characters and let you know how they think. The mother got into a relationship with a guy named Barry, which is against all her "rules" about men. When Barry broke it off, the mom went crazy. She went into Barry's home and did things to his computer, and his house. When Barry came over to confront her mother about what she did, and she stabbed him in the arm after her tried to break in. Then one night the police men came over and took away the girls mother, but her mom wasnt worried, she said the police men couldnt hold her, and she would be home. she never came home, and now the daughter is living in a home. she took some of her mothers writings, and when another kid in the home was looking at it, she got really upset, so this other kid started ripping out pages. The child tackled this other foster kid, and could have killed her, she held a pocketnife to her neck, but she just told her not to touch any of her things again, and let her go.

Time Read: 54 hours

Books Read:
Brisngr- Christopher Paolini- 748 pages
Last Days of Summer, a novel- Steve Kluger- 353 pages
Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas- James Patterson- 266 pages
Book of the Dead- Patricia Cornwell- 405 pages

Thursday, April 1, 2010

yay for spring break!

This week i continued to read Brisingr. Eragon went to the dwarves place, and when he was there and the dwarves were trying to pick there next leader he left behind the Varden and all their trials against the empire. Eragon went to visit the dwarves without Saphira so that the Empire didnt know that Eragon wasnt there. While Eragon was gone, Roran, Eragons cousin, got into a couple of battles. Rorans first battle came against wandering soldiers of the Empire. This is were he began to prove himself as a warrior and he jumped off his horses back into the middle of a bunch of wagons and fought and killed 5 warriors by himself. His next battle, was agianst soldiers that wouldnt die, and he and his group of soldiers got wounded pretty bad and his comander got his hand chopped off. Because of this fact, his band of soldiers got a new leader who was a real nazi. he didnt let anyone get away with any creative thinking, (a.k.a. jumping of a horses back into the middle of a bunch of wagons.) so when Roran went into battle with him, and they were out numbered and a bunch of people were dieing and Roran didnt want to die by being shot a bunch of times by arrows and did some creative thinking he got in trouble. Even though everyone would have died without this creative thinking by him, oh, and he killed 193 soldiers all by himself here to. so when he got back to the Varden he was punished for not getting everyone killed by getting 50 lashes. then a day after this he was told he had to lead a charge of humans and urgal soldiers out for a raid, and convince the urgals that humans still wanted to align with them even though one of the humans just went and killed 4 urgals in there sleep. No worries, the Varden hung this human. So after Roran got all the muscles of his back torn off because he lead people, the magicians healed Roran enough so that the muslces scabbed over. So after Roran sucessfully lead his urgals and humans to victory, he found a couple of urgals torturing a soldier tied to a tree. Roran yelled at them for this, and then one of them challenged Roran for the leadership role. now you have to realise that urgals are like giant over-grown rams that walk on two feet, and they have really big teeth and claws and stuff. So luckily Roran beat the urgal and they pledged to follow him because Roran proved he was a fit leader. while all of this was going on Eragon got attacked by people in the dwarves place, and if any dwarf leader orders an attack on a visitor its a huge no-no. so once everyone found out that a leader ordered this attack, he was shunned and then Orik was ellected leader over the dwarves. Then Dragon Saphira came to the dwarves place to congratulate Orik for victory, fixed there most precious item the Arya and accidentally broken the first time she came. then Eragon and Saphira flew to learn more the thier elf teachers because Murtagh had made them realise they needed more skill to beat them. So When they got there, Eragon first learned that his father had been Brom, not and evil guy that worked for Galborax, and that Murtagh, was only his half brother.

Well next week I plan on finishing my last 128 pages of brisingr, and then i'll read White Oleander by Janet Fitch. If i happen to get done with that i'll probably pick yet another book off of the 12 bookshelves in my house and read it.

Time read so far: 47.5 hours.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

week 10

this week i continued to read Brisingr. Eragon was going to marry Roran and Katrina, but than a suprise attack by the Empire delayed this. Eragon and Saphira fought Eragons "brother" and his dragon. They did not defeat him but proved that Eragons brother Murtagh was not as powerful as everyone thought he was. When Murtagh realised this, he retreated back to the Empire. While Eragon was fighting Murtagh, the Varden's army fought some of the soldiers of the Empire. Somehow Galborax had put a spell on them that kept them from feeling pain, which ment that they would not stop fighting until they were beheaded. Eventually the Varden realised this and destroyed them but after a great loss to their army. Later that day Roran and Katrina insisted that they needed to be maried htat day because they didnt know when the Emprie was going to attack again. After the marriage Eragon met with some of the soldiers that were wounded and could not be healed. While visiting them, Eragon met a man who had been having visions of a light, and somehow this applied to Eragon. I didnt really understand how but it did. It had something to do with 12 stars around his waist and another star, the brightest one, on his finger. His brother, however, was shining but the shining was not coming from him, but from "others." Arya the smartest elf there is currently trying to figure out who these "others" are. Nasuada, the leader of the Varden, told Eragon that he had to go to the dwarfs land, and insist that they pick a ruler soon, and try to sway the vote so that the ruler would favor what the Varden is doing, and decide to support them. Saphira is going to stay with the Varden in attempts to trick Galborax so that he will not attack. The Varden will split into two and go destroy the last of the two cities that are under the Empires control that the Varden has already passed. After the dwarfs pick a new ruler, Saphira will join Eragon, and after giving them their honor back somehow, Eragon and Saphira will go visit the elves, and try to learn a little more from the great teachers of the Elves.

Total Time read so far: 40 hours

Thursday, March 18, 2010

week 9

This week i kept reading Brisingr. Sense Eragon got back to camp, hes had to have conversations about why he decided to stay back, and he had to great a bunch of people that wanted to talk to him because he was a hero. He was given a suprise party were Roran, Eragons cousin, asked him to marry Roran and Katrina next month. Eragon asked why so soon and found out that Katrina is pregnant, so they have to have a quick marriage before everyone figures it out. Eragon before had blessed a girl named Elva, but it ended up being a curse, and she felt everyones pain and felt like she had to help them get rid of there pain. If she did not help them she had physical pain. Eragon promised to relieve Elva of this pain, so when he attempted to, he only got rid of the feeling like she had to help them, and the physical pain that she felt. She told Eragon not to fix anything else because she wanted to be able to feel others pain. She basically said she was going to use her powers in whatever way she wanted to, even if that was in an evil manner.

I'm going to appy this book so far to Religion class because Brisingr has alot to do with good verses evil and we are reminded in Religion the daily battle of good verses evil between our new man and our old adam. Eragon could be compared to the the New Man, and Galborax could be compared to the old adam because even though Glaborax seems to have the upper hand, Eragon can always seem to defeat him with the help of his dragon Saphira.

Time read so far: 36 hours

Steve Kluger- Last Days of Summer A Novel- 353 pages
James Patterson- Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas- 266 pages
Patricia Cornwell- Book of the Dead- 405 pages

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

together with a song...

This week i finished the Last Days of Summer A Novel, by Steve Kluger. Charlie decided that he needed to join the army because of pearl harbor. Joey's friend was able to get out of the concentration camp because Charlie personally went to President Rosevelt and told him that this family was in a concentration camp and shouldnt be. Than Joey's friend played baseball for a little leage team, and when Charlie told the press that he was going to be a star one day, they had to keep him on the team, even though he was horrible at baseball. Joey and Charlie continued to write back and forth. They came up with a way so that Charlie and Stukes could tell Joey where they were going to be stationed by in the second sentence using the first letters of all the words to make the name of it. Once they got moved out oversee's, Charlie sent Joey a letter saying that they wernt going to let him actually fight in combat because he was a big star and didnt want him to die, so they made him do the type writing job. One day Stuke, Charlies best friend, and the other soldiers in his group were under attack and called for backup, but the army decided that it was to much of a risk to go save them. When Charlie heard that, he stole a boat and went to save them himself. When he got there, he let everyone get back onto the boat before him, and at the last second was shot dead. Everyone else was saved. The book ends with Joey explaining that all of the leters before this he was showing his son Chucky. He ended up marrying his gradeschool love intrest rachel, that Charlie helped him to get.

I then started reading Brisinger by Christopher Paolini, the third book in the Eragon Series. So far Eragon has envaded Galborax's castle, helped get Rorans finace, Katrina, back, killed all of the Ra'zac, killed Katrina's father who betrayed everyone and told Galborax where everything was and where Eragon was hiding. He got away without getting to badly injured, and is now back in the Varden and is being treated like a hero like usual.

If i had to compare my reading this week to a song i would compare it to Here comes goodbye by Rascal Flatts. This song would compare with The Last Days of Summer, because it was kindof like the whole book was Joey's last goodbye to Charlie.

Total Time Read So Far: 32.5 hours

Steve Kluger- Last Days of Summer A Novel- 353 pages
James Patterson- Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas- 266 pages
Patricia Cornwell- Book of the Dead- 405 pages

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Week 7...

I'm still reading Last Days of Summer and so far, Joey and Charlie have gotten closer. Joey had to write a story about if my father was president, and sense Joey doesnt really talk to his father he used Charlie instead of his father, and Charlie got an award for father of the year. Then Pearl Harbor was bombed, so Charlie decided to enlist in the military. So this made Charlie realize that everyone getting married so he proposed to Hazel, and got married and Joey was the best man. Joey has a crush on a girl named Rachel, but Rachel doesnt like Joey, but he doesnt get that. Joey's best friend Craig had to move, and him and his family got thrown into a japanese concetration camp.

total time read so far: 28 hours

Thursday, February 25, 2010

week 6

So far i think that this project has made read more than i usually do. I used to read alot when i was little, but now i just seem to not have enough time to read like i used to. I really enjoy this project so far becuause its made me realize that i can make time to read.

In my reading this week i've continued the book Last Days of Summer. Joey has just continued his writing with Mister Banks. and the two have had dinner a couple of times. Joey's teachers have now started to write to Mister Banks telling him to not teach him "vulgar ideas." Banks only writes back to say that these are not ideas but the truth. It's about time for Joey's Bar Mitzvah, and sense his father is not around, he convinced Charles Banks to do the father portion of it. The Rabbi has agreed to it, so now Joey is trying to teach Charlie how to read Hebrew.

Time Read So Far: 23 hours

James Patterson-Suzanne's Diary for Nicholas-266 pages

Patricia Cornwell-Book of the Dead- 405 pages