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Thursday, March 25, 2010

week 10

this week i continued to read Brisingr. Eragon was going to marry Roran and Katrina, but than a suprise attack by the Empire delayed this. Eragon and Saphira fought Eragons "brother" and his dragon. They did not defeat him but proved that Eragons brother Murtagh was not as powerful as everyone thought he was. When Murtagh realised this, he retreated back to the Empire. While Eragon was fighting Murtagh, the Varden's army fought some of the soldiers of the Empire. Somehow Galborax had put a spell on them that kept them from feeling pain, which ment that they would not stop fighting until they were beheaded. Eventually the Varden realised this and destroyed them but after a great loss to their army. Later that day Roran and Katrina insisted that they needed to be maried htat day because they didnt know when the Emprie was going to attack again. After the marriage Eragon met with some of the soldiers that were wounded and could not be healed. While visiting them, Eragon met a man who had been having visions of a light, and somehow this applied to Eragon. I didnt really understand how but it did. It had something to do with 12 stars around his waist and another star, the brightest one, on his finger. His brother, however, was shining but the shining was not coming from him, but from "others." Arya the smartest elf there is currently trying to figure out who these "others" are. Nasuada, the leader of the Varden, told Eragon that he had to go to the dwarfs land, and insist that they pick a ruler soon, and try to sway the vote so that the ruler would favor what the Varden is doing, and decide to support them. Saphira is going to stay with the Varden in attempts to trick Galborax so that he will not attack. The Varden will split into two and go destroy the last of the two cities that are under the Empires control that the Varden has already passed. After the dwarfs pick a new ruler, Saphira will join Eragon, and after giving them their honor back somehow, Eragon and Saphira will go visit the elves, and try to learn a little more from the great teachers of the Elves.

Total Time read so far: 40 hours