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Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Lets Apply

This week i continued to read the Book of the Dead by Patricia Cornwell. I read up to chapter seven, and in these chapters you were introduced to Dr. Self a big tv doctor kind of like Dr. Phil of Opera, who appears to hate Scarpetta (one of the Americans working on the murder), and secretly checked herself into McClean. She did this because she had been getting e-mail from someone named "the sandman" who had murdered Drew Martin, the girl who Scarpetta is investigating the murder of. You also get to know some more of the main characters, including Lucy, Marino, and Rose, who Scarpetta works with. You also see another case that Scarpetta has in her own morgue back in the United States. She's trying to figure out who murdered a little boy that was found in a river. Scarpetta talks to the person who found this little boys body, and who actually worked on Scarpettas house before she moved there.


So i think the best way i can apply this story to my life is by applying how Dr. Self can convince anyone of anything just to get her way. I feel like this applys to my life because Tv hosts that help people, like Opera, Dr. Phil, Judge Judy, or Tyra, can talk to someone on there show and convince half of the United States of that point of view, and usually convince me to. Maybe because i saw how Dr. Self manipulated the truth, i will stop believing everything that comes out of the mouths of Opera and Tyra.

Total Time So Far: 5 hours